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11248080_10153352984463552_4148992994854795577_nWe both slept much better last night — in fact it was a good thing that we set the alarm or we’d have missed breakfast.

And speaking of breakfast, I tried quark for the first time as they serve it here mixed with linseed and flax. I know it sounds horrible, but it wasn’t. It tasted like a cross between mild greek yogurt and sour cream and it was delicious mixed with fruit. It’s part of Dr. Johanna Budwig’s anti-cancer diet.

Paul’s treatment(s) today were more of the same so I won’t repeat the list here. He has his second (and final) transurethral hyperthermia treatment tomorrow. We met with Dr. Weber and had a good chat about his progress and our next steps. It’s great having a doctor so accessible and available — Dr. Weber’s office is literally down the hall from our room.  We also walked into town and fit in a workout and the gym we discovered yesterday.

The biggest decision (other than the decision to come to Germany for treatment) that Paul has been wrestling with is whether or not to try medication in conjunction with the treatments he’s been receiving at Marinus.

Prostate cancer feeds on testosterone and cutting off the prostate cancer’s food source (testosterone) can be an effective measure to shrink the tumors. It’s called androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) and after our own research, talking to other prostate cancer survivors and some serious soul searching, Paul has decided to combine a one-month implant followed by a daily oral dose of Finasteride. Our hope is that the cancer cells have been weakened by all of the treatments he’s been receiving in Germany and shutting off their food source (testosterone) for a month or so will give them an extra pounding. Best case it will be helpful; worst case we’ll both be going through menopause for the next month or so. Regardless, the decision has been made so we’ll see how things shake out and deal with things as they come.

Thanks again for all of your comments and your support. It’s really great to hear from you.

Until tomorrow, sending you much love from Germany.

Polliwog and Jilly Bean